About us

Quality organic products are something that have always been close to my heart, and I wanted the chance to share them with passionate people just like you. The Therapeutic Co. beeswax aromatic candles are created with love and care for people who care for mind, body, and spirit, and know that the natural world holds the keys to their own personal happiness and development.
Finding candles has always been easy, but finding toxic-free candles that were readily available has been a problem for as long as I can remember. Paraffin and soy wax are very common, but they lack the natural purifying touch of beeswax that cleanses the ambient air with negative ions. It’s this natural touch that I wanted to rediscover. I spent hours, days, weeks, and months experimenting with every organic material under the sun. I discovered that beeswax was the only one that had the same functionality as a traditional candle, but without any of the side effects. Then I got immersed in the world of aromatherapy and fragrances, and learned how to effortlessly blend essential oils to create scents that benefit body and mind.
From these humble beginnings, and with passion on my side, The Therapeutic Co. was born. It’s a company that has an exciting journey ahead of it, and one that I’m proud to tell you about. I want to introduce you to everything I’ve created, and to show you just how good all-natural organic products can truly be.
We’ve grown to accept the use of products that are harmful to ourselves, and toxic to the environment, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I envision a day when The Therapeutic Co. doesn’t just sell luxurious beeswax aromatic candles; but it sells lip balms, salves, and body balms that are all crafted with care from nothing but the finest organic ingredients. We will source premium quality reusable packaging to save you money, and to save the environment from harm. In the future, we are hoping to do our part in donating some of our proceeds to agricultural products to help make the world a better place.
Together we can make The Therapeutic Co. a shining light that shows the world just how much good can come from organic products. Every single one of them is handcrafted with love and care, and they help make the world a better place than we found it.